The Role of Geogrid in Subgrade, Road and Bridge Slopes


The Role of Geogrid in Subgrade, Road and Bridge Slopes

Geogrid is a commonly used composite material for road slope ecological slope protection and highway subgrade reinforcement, which greatly enhances the stability and strength of road subgrade and pavement

And improve the safety of road driving. For highway slope protection and reinforcement works, it can be directly laid on the slope surface or horizontally laid in multiple layers.

Geogrid has advantages such as high tensile strength, good flexibility, convenient construction, and low cost. It is widely used in embankment slope protection projects

Effectively prevent soil collapse and soil displacement deviation, greatly improving the bearing capacity of the embankment. It can effectively control the development of the settlement of the base layer, and the lateral limiting effect on the road subgrade base layer can effectively distribute the load onto a wider subbase layer, thereby reducing the construction thickness of the foundation cushion and reducing the cost of the project.

In inland lakes, coastal areas, mountainous areas, and other areas in China, soft soil foundations mainly composed of soft cohesive soil or silt are widely distributed, and this geological structure has a relatively low bearing capacity

The loading capacity and large water content, once improperly handled, can lead to the occurrence of diseases such as embankment instability or subgrade settlement. Using geogrids to treat soft soil foundation can improve subgrade stability, reduce void ratio, meet road strength requirements, maximize control of uneven settlement and local shear damage, thereby improving the overall quality of the highway, ensuring the integrity of the pavement structure, and providing a safe and comfortable environment for vehicles to travel.


Geogrids are also used for reinforcement in road slope greening projects, which can allow plants to better climb. Previously, some construction companies

Iron wire mesh was used for construction, but the cost is very high, and they are afraid of wind, water, sun, and rain. After the use of plastic geogrids, the cost is greatly reduced, and the service life is increased. Frequent maintenance by workers is not required, reducing various expenses.

Post time: Feb-24-2023